Saturday, September 15, 2007


We have been home one week now! I haven't posted to this blog since it gave me so much trouble in China. It would have been difficult to update anyway. Having two boys is quite the challenge and Alex has had extreme difficulties adjusting.
This has been a better last couple of days and we pray things continue to improve for him. Chris has done very well, only throwing the usual tantrums of a two year old.

We continue to ask for prayers that Alex will make a happy adjustment to his new home and family. He is very delayed in many areas and we are doing all we can to help him progress. He has made some great improvements this week, such as waving "bye-bye", blowing kisses, saying "no-no-no"(don't know where he heard that;-) and his favorite word is DADDY..he loves his daddy very much!

1 comment:

Mom 2 six said...

I know how you feel. Just remember it just takes time !
Jet lag and then a totally new life's a lot. Our Mia was withdrawn and delayed but blossomed once we got home.
It will get better and easier.